My ideal job

Still I'm not sure in that want to work, but there are certain areas of this career that attract me more than other. For example the rehabilitation, I would like to work with specialized animals in zootherapy, this is a type of therapy that involves an animal with specific characteristics for to help persons, physically, socially and emotionally. I could work in hippotherapy or training animals for visits to persons with some problem. Something else that too catches my attention is to work in the rescue, rehabilitation and release of wild animals; I think that this is very interesting, although I believe is more difficult find job in this area especially in Chile.
Work with horses too is very attractive for me.

Work in any of these areas would be great!!!

I would like work in Chile, but not in the city I like more the villages or someplace near of the country and the nature. Too I want to know elsewhere of Chile and the world; I think that is a very good way to learn more about this career and to have more experience.
I hope to work with persons who like their job as much as my, because I believe If you love the job what you do all will be much better for the connivance of people working together and overcoat for the animals which we must help.